Year 8 Keywords

Analyse – to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

Ancien Regime – old government.

Assassination – to kill someone, who is usually in a position of power, suddenly or secretively.

Catholic – where there is belief in only one church, the Roman Catholic church, and it is led by the Pope in Rome. Their place of worship is decorated so that worshipers can celebrate God.

Cavalier – a supporter of Charles I during the English Civil Wars. The supporters of Parliament used this term as an insult because it means Spanish horsemen, who had a reputation for wild and cruel.

Cavalry – soldiers who fight on horseback.

Civil War – a war between two or more groups in the same country.

Clergy – religious people.

Conspiracy – where several people plan, or plot, to do something illegal or for a evil purpose.

Constitution – a legal document used to govern a nation.

Democracy – government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is put into the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected representatives under a free electoral system.

Dictator – a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Emperor – a supreme ruler of an empire.

Enlightenment – a philosophical movement. Scientific, intellectual and cultural changes occurred in this period of time. Questions were asked of existing systems of power and traditional ways of life.

Estates System – the system in France where the country is divided into 3 groups. The First Estate were made up of religious people, the Second were nobles and the third were the rest of the country. The latter included peasants which were the majority and the bourgeousie which were the middle class.

Guillotine – a device for beheading a person by means of a heavy blade that is dropped between two posts serving as guides.

History – a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc.

Infantry – soldiers or military units that fight on foot.

Interpretation – The act or process of explaining the meaning of something. You will need to explain why an individual views history in a particular way.

Liberty – the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one’s own choosing.

Monarchy – where supreme power is held by an individual. Usually a king or queen.

Parliament – an organization which passes laws within a country.

Protestant – a Christian religion which was set up in protest of the Catholic church. Their place of worship is usually plain and simple, so that there are no distractions to praying.

Puritan – these were Protestants who wanted more religious discipline and a simpler way of life. They became a powerful political party in the 17th century.

Rebellion – open, organized, and armed resistance to one’s government or ruler.

Reign of Terror – a period of the French Revolution, from about March, 1793, to July, 1794, during which many persons were ruthlessly executed by the ruling group.

Republic – governments where the leadership is elected.

Revolution – in history, it is generally an overthrow and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. However, it can also be a period of significant change.

Roundhead – a member of the Parliamentarians or Puritan party during the civil wars of the 17th century. The Cavaliers used this term as an insult because they wore their hair cut short.

Treason– the offence of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign, (usually the king or queen). This can be divided up as treason, (against the leader of the country), and high treason, (against the country).

  1. Nouran El-Badrawy says:

    Mr Gagan, are these all the key words for our exam?


  2. Marwan Rizkallah says:

    Mr Gaigan

    on the Exam papers will We have to rite an essay or will it be just question.


  3. Francesca Cannatelli says:

    Sir, in the exam are you going to chose the topic of the essay or we can decide what essay we want to do ?

    • adamkg1915 says:

      There is one essay on the Battle of Waterloo. However, you also have to know other topic areas in order to answer questions which require paragraphs. These are on the revision sheet given to you.

  4. francesca says:

    sir,in the exam are we going to match up the keywords or do we write them?

  5. sir are there like other possible sites that you could revise from that would help you with the exam?

    • oh and i also forgot to ask about the french revoultion……when this occured during napoleons fighting spree…was this also during the period when king louis the sixteenth was ruling????(PS:Please reply before exam which just happens to be tommorrow)

  6. Alex kassab says:

    Sir, ive read and memorised the key words…..
    Are we having a test on them?

  7. monicazaki says:

    Do we have to know them word for word ?

  8. MonicaZaki says:

    Do we have to learn the glossary words, word by word ? or can I just learn what they mean ?

    • adamkg1915 says:

      You learn the definition but not word for word. As I said in the lesson, you have to match up the word to the definition. There are ten in the test although I appreciate there are more than this in the list.


  9. Shisha says:

    Hi sir,
    Mr dailey gave us keywords which one should we learn?
    Shisha year 8

    • adamkg1915 says:


      I am not telling you which words but you should learn them all. Only about 10 will be asked of you however.


  10. alia says:

    Hey Sir,
    How many paragraphs do we need in the Waterloo essay

    • adamkg1915 says:


      Probably at least five paragraphs but it depends on how much time you have. Just make sure you answer the question sufficiently.


  11. Aly Ramadan says:

    Mr Gagan

    Will all the Keywords Come or only some of them>

  12. alia says:

    When we are asked to explain an Important person do we explain them in like an essay or just in like 4 paragraphs?[p

    • adamkg1915 says:

      You only have to write a couple of paragraphs for this question. It is not a full essay.

  13. amanda says:

    hi sir,
    its Amanda, is there anything about robespierre coming in the test?

    • adamkg1915 says:

      I am not sure as your class has a slightly different test. There is no harm in revising it a little just in case though.

  14. Malaka says:

    Dear Sir,

    As it says in the revision sheet handed out to us in class, should we know about ‘Robespierre’? As in class we havn’t learned anything about this person. Will I need to do some re-search about him or will it not be necessary? And Sir, could you clarify please the key points I should study for? Thank you.

    • adamkg1915 says:

      Robespierre was explained briefly in one of the lessons but you do not need to know about him.

  15. Aly Ramadan says:

    Which ten keywords are coming



    • adamkg1915 says:

      As I said in last week’s lesson, the ten could be from anywhere on the list. It is not a difficult section but you should know a rough definition of all the words.

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